Noël Köthe
2010-07-31 19:36:03 UTC
Hello lftp,
the german translation has an error:
$ LC_ALL=C lftp --help|grep pass
-u <user>[,<pass>] use the user/password for authentication
$ LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 lftp --help|grep pass
-u <user>[<passwt>] Benutze user und passwort zur Authentifikation
The comma is missing in the help so user using the translation will
wounder why it isn't working.
Attached a patch which fixes some minor translation, too.
(CC: to the last translator)
the german translation has an error:
$ LC_ALL=C lftp --help|grep pass
-u <user>[,<pass>] use the user/password for authentication
$ LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 lftp --help|grep pass
-u <user>[<passwt>] Benutze user und passwort zur Authentifikation
The comma is missing in the help so user using the translation will
wounder why it isn't working.
Attached a patch which fixes some minor translation, too.
(CC: to the last translator)
Noël Köthe <noel>
Debian GNU/Linux,
Noël Köthe <noel>
Debian GNU/Linux,